Visions and Values

Our Core Values
Our children devised our core values by considering what they believed the most important values of a Forest Hills child are. All children were involved in this and then our school council drew together all the ideas generated to decide on our final core values.
We believe that all children at Forest Hills should exemplify these core values:

Our Vision
Our vision is to provide a safe, secure and stimulating environment in which all children can learn effectively and where they can reach their true potential.
Our Aims:
- ‘To provide a safe, secure and stimulating environment in which all children can learn effectively and can reach their true potential’.
- a broad and challenging curriculum
a stimulating learning environment
creative, innovative teaching and an investigative approach to learning
an ethos of support, challenge and encouragement to succeed
equal access to all aspects of the curriculum and school life
learning partnerships between school, home and the community
support, guidance and training for all those who teach and work with our children
recognise and celebrate achievements in all areas of school life

Our Motto
“Living, Learning, Growing”
is our school motto. We strongly encourage positive relationships with children, parents and the local community where our families live. We believe this is key in providing our children with a high-quality educational experience. Our aim is to inspire children to reach their highest potential and to have the confidence in themselves as lifelong learners.